Friday, September 14, 2007

We're Back!

Hello one and all!

We just got the official word this morning that Josh and I will be back this semester in our same time slot (10-noon Saturday mornings). I'm not sure when we will be starting, but it could be as soon as next weekend. We'll have to work that out yet. Anyway, I may as well get right back in the swing of things with some thoughts.

-It's a shame that Greg Oden is probably going to miss the entire season. I haven't kept up with all the reports on him, but if it turns out that this was a preexisting condition (knee), it could be a real blow to Oden, the Blazers and the NBA as a whole. We'll have to watch how this turns out, because if he can come back healthy, he has a chance to be one of the best ever.

-I'm glad Belichek and the Pats got caught - and fined - big time. I have always taken Belichek's quiet demeanor as somewhat arrogant, or at least too prideful. He keeps his cards close to his chest--and now we know partly why. This cheating was organizational, and therefore I see it as wose than steroids. It's not just one individual, it;s the entire team. Who know the impact it could have had in their success the last few years. As for what they actually did, I don't think it's inherently morally bad. To me it's like stealing signs in baseball. Gentleman's code says no, but if you can do it without being caught, more power to ya. Of course when you do get caught in baseball, your next batter will be wearing the next pitch in their earhole. But since what they did IS explicitly outlawed in the NFL, it is cheating, and it is terrible. Not that I think losing next year's first rounder will slow them that much. They will sign some rummy or get a late round pick and he will be just as good.

-The Cardinals appear to be falling fast. Their pitching is terrible. We all know the old adage "Spahn and Sain, then pray for rain" to describe the old Milwaukee Braves' reliance on their top two starting pitchers. That phrase doesn't translate as well the the Cards--"Wainright and...Looper?...Then pray for rain."
But I'm tired of hearing everybody talk about whether TLR should come back next year. In my mind, there is no debate--YES he should. For him to have the Cards still within breathing distance of the Central lead (though their 0 wins in the last 7 games is darn near the proverbial final nail) is remarkable. This article from the Cincinnati Post makes his case, and shows that at least one other NL Central team might be interested in a TLR/Jocketty/Duncan management package.
It's not their fault Anthony Reyes has absolutely sucked this year. His velocity, movement and presence have diminished. I can't help but think it ha something to do with the previous arm troubles he had in college. I don't think "jerking him around" between the minors and the big leagues will make you lose 5 mph on your fastball and any mental capacity for the game. I always saw him as risky, damaged goods. He was not another Dan Haren, and I wanted us to trade him in a package deal last year, for some real value, perhaps either D-Trian or Miggy Cabrera from Fla. We've seen the 2 young guys they didn't want to trade last year--Reyes and Duncan--completely disappear from helping the team down the stretch. Now about the best those 2+ a B-level prospect could net (hopefully) is Chone Figgins and Ervin Santana from the Angels. And I still say do it. Id rather see AnkieLudwick manning the corner spots next year, and Santana is younger, with a more live arm, than Reyes.
Anyway, unless we see no improvement soon-like the September revelation of the '06 Cards, it will be appropriate to look toward next year. I'll be back to post on that soon.
Ok gotta go.


Hot Topologic said...

You could have told me you have a blog. Also, how about a prediction about who is going all the way in Japan's Pro Yakyuu this year? My money's on the Tokyo Giants because it seems like everyone likes them.

Hot Topologic said...

You don't talk much sports.