Sunday, April 29, 2007

R.I.P. #32; Show's over; Draft!

Hey guys,

Before anything else, I should pay tribute and condolences to the Hancock crew and the Cardinals. If you haven't heard, 29 year-old reliever Josh Hancock was killed in an atuomobile accident last night, thus leading to the cancellation of today's series-ender against the Cubbies. Read a full story here. The similarities to the Darryl Kile tragedy are eerie.
Ok on a lighter note: Sorry for the long break--I probably should have followed up our last show of the year (single tear) with a post, but it was finals time, leaving me basically no opportunity do anything other stare at books for hours. After that was all over for me, I took 2 days to sit around, eat pizza, drink Mountain Dew and take in about 12 hours of NFL Draft! I'll be following this with my draft grades soon! G2G now though.

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