Friday, March 30, 2007

I'm back!

Wow...I haven't done this in a while.

It appears my account was shut down or something for some reason, and only through a very clever backdoor email searchy-thing have I been able to reaccess my account, but all appears to be the same, so all is well. Thought I'd let anyone who is checking this before tomorrow's show (all zero of you) that we will have a few guest hosts. Josh is out of town so I've brought in a couple of very sports and radio savvy gents from back home, Michael (Opie) and Nic. Oh ya, and also a kid named Ron, but he's no good. To give you an idea of who he is: He lives in Central Illinois and is a Dolphins and Spurs fan. Go figure. Anyway, it should be fun, as there's plenty to talk about with NCAA B-ball, the MLB season kicking off, some NFL personnel moves...
BE THERE. Sat. 10 a.m.-noon. WESN 88.1

p.s. Hopefully my schedule will permit me to do this more often so we can avoid another shut down fiasco. Cheers

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